IoMech’s NPD (New Product Development) process utilises the methods and tools of Lean Six Sigma to systematically Define the customer's needs, Measure the concept's performance, Analyse all performance-related data, Improve the design and develop quality control processes to ensure Control over the product's performance against the defined criteria.
During this stage of New Product Development, a cross-functional team is assembled to identify the Voice of the Customer and the Voice of the Business, laying out what both parties critically require to define 'success'.
The Functional Analysis Diagram method is developed in liaison with your team to identify the system functions, and the relationship of every component against the performance criteria set. A Design FMEA is then conducted and evaluates the new product’s potential failure modes. Having identified the most critical product components, a test plan, including special test equipment, is developed to evaluate design prototypes.
The test and post-test component inspection data are compared against the performance requirements. Functional models at part-level and fishbone diagrams are used to assist with analysing the root cause of recorded failures. Finally, the FMEA-VE tabular tool can be also used to identify any superfluous features or over-engineered components.
IoMech's NPD Consultancy process does facilitate and encourages, creativity processes such as brainstorming, brainwriting and TRIZ to enhance your team’s creative output. We utilise a host of tools including CAD and FEA software, 3D printing and partner with precision prototype manufacturers to develop and test your prototypes.
IoMech can assist you with collecting and analysing your process data metrics to optimise the design and manufacturing processes. We offer custom data collection equipment that can integrate with your existing equipment to acquire and store data.
We also offer assistance with creating Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and train your manufacturing, assembly and quality control equipment operators (See case study on IoMech’s training approach here).
We are confident that we can give your Product, Business, and Team the tools and processes to delight the customer and improve the bottom line.
Here is an example of an NPD project. The system in action is shown in the video on the left.
For more information on our New Product Development services, please get in touch with us.
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